

End point url   **Interactions Endpoint URL for TRIXO** While [Your Bot] does not currently utilize an Interactions Endpoint URL for receiving interactions via HTTP POSTs, if Discord requires, interactions or relevant information can be communicated via email. For any specific communication needs, please contact our support team at (mailto: If you have any other questions or require further assistance, feel free to reach out.


**Linked Roles Verification URL for [TRIXO]** TRIXO does not currently utilize or require a Linked Roles Verification URL. This feature is not applicable to the functionality of our application. If you have any other questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to our support team at (mailto: This communicates that the Linked Roles Verification URL feature is not needed for your application.


  **Privacy Policy for [TRIXO]** **1. Information We Collect:**    - *User-Provided Information:* We may collect information provided by users during the interaction with TRIXO for functionalities such as [list specific functionalities].    - *Automatically Collected Information:* We may automatically collect certain information, including like Users I'd , Server ID , Profile Picture etc , through the normal operation of TRIXO. **2. How We Use Collected Information:**    - *Provide and Maintain the Service:* We use the collected information to deliver, maintain, and improve the features and services of TRIXO    - *User Communication:* We may use the provided contact information to respond to user inquiries, provide updates, or address concerns. **3. Data Security:**    - We prioritize the security of user data and employ reasonable measures to protect it from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. **4. Third-Party Services:**    - TRIXO  may utilize third-part

Terms Of Service

**Terms of Service for TRIXO Welcome to TRIXO! By using our music bot and related services, you agree to comply with the following terms and conditions: **1. Acceptance of Terms:**    By using TRIXO, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms of Service. If you do not agree, please refrain from using the bot. **2. Use of the Music Bot:**   TRIXO is provided for personal, non-commercial use within Discord servers. Any unauthorized use, distribution, or modification of the bot is strictly prohibited. **3. User Conduct:**    Users must adhere to Discord's Terms of Service and Community Guidelines when incorporating TRIXO into their servers. Any violation may result in termination of access. **4. Privacy:**    We prioritize user privacy. Our Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your data in the context of TRIXO. By using the bot, you consent to the terms of our Privacy Policy. **5. Changes to the Terms:**    We reserve the right to upd